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Date format and localization

Date and Time Pickers support formats from different locales.

Getting started

The default locale of MUI X is English (United States). If you want to use other locales, follow the instructions below.

Set a custom locale

With dayjs

For dayjs, import the locale and then pass its name to LocalizationProvider:

import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs';
import 'dayjs/locale/de';

<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs} adapterLocale="de">

With date-fns

For date-fns, import the locale and pass it to LocalizationProvider:

// with date-fns v2.x
import { AdapterDateFns } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFns';
// with date-fns v3.x
import { AdapterDateFns } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFnsV3';
// with date-fns v2.x
import de from 'date-fns/locale/de';
// with date-fns v3.x
import { de } from 'date-fns/locale/de';

<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDateFns} adapterLocale={de}>

With luxon

For luxon, pass the locale name to LocalizationProvider:

import { AdapterLuxon } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterLuxon';

<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterLuxon} adapterLocale="de">

With moment

For moment, import the locale and then pass its name to LocalizationProvider:

import { AdapterMoment } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterMoment';
import 'moment/locale/de';

<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterMoment} adapterLocale="de">

Meridiem — 12h/24h format

All the time and datetime components will automatically adjust to the locale's time setting, that is the 12-hour or 24-hour format. You can override the default setting with the ampm prop:

Custom formats

The format received by the props described below depends on the date library you are using. Please refer to each library's documentation for the full format table:

Custom field format

The fields have a default format that depends on the picker being used, the views enabled, and the 12h/24h format.

If this default format does not suit you, you can customize it using the format prop:

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Field-supported formats

Some formats might not yet be supported by the fields. For example, they don't support day of the year or quarter.

Here is the list of the currently supported formats:

  • The year

    • ✅ 2-digits values (e.g: 23)
    • ✅ 4-digits values (e.g: 2023)
    • ❌ Values with ordinal (e.g: 2023th)
  • The month

    • ✅ 1-based digit (e.g: 08)
    • ✅ Multi-letter values (for example Aug, August)
    • ❌ 1-letter values (e.g: A) because several months are represented with the same letter
  • The day of the month

    • ✅ 1-based digit values (e.g: 24)
    • ✅ 1-based digit values with ordinal (e.g: 24th)
  • The day of the week

    • ✅ 0-based digit values (e.g: 03)
    • ✅ 1-based digit values (e.g: 04)
    • ✅ Multi-letter values (e.g: Tue, Tuesday)
    • ❌ 1-letter values (e.g: T) because several days of the week are represented with the same letter
  • The hours

    • ✅ 0-based 12-hours values (e.g: 03)
    • ✅ 0-based 24-hours values (e.g: 15)
    • ❌ 1-based values (e.g: 24 instead of 00)
  • The minutes

  • The seconds

  • The meridiem

If you need to use some format that is not yet supported, please open an issue describing what is your exact use case. Some new formats might be supported in the future, depending on the complexity of the implementation.

Respect leading zeros in fields

By default, the value rendered in the field always contains digit zeros, even if your format says otherwise. You can force the field to respect your format information by setting the shouldRespectLeadingZeros prop to true.

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Custom field placeholder

When a section is empty, the fields displays its placeholder instead of an empty value. For example, if you did not fill any value for the year section, the field will render the year placeholder.

These placeholders are based on your current component localization, not on your date localization.

English locale (default)

German locale

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For more information on how to define your component localization, check out the Translated components page.

You can customize the specific placeholder section translation to your needs. All the available placeholder translation methods and their parameters are available in the source file. You can override them using the localeText prop defined on the LocalizationProvider or on a specific Picker component if you need more fine-grained control.

A common use case is to change the placeholder of the month section to a short letter form (Jan, Feb, etc.). The default translation implementation might not be what you want, so you can override it:

    fieldMonthPlaceholder: (params) =>
      params.contentType === 'digit' ? 'MM' : params.format,
  <DatePicker />

Custom toolbar format

To customize the format used in the toolbar, use the toolbarFormat prop of the toolbar slot.

Select date

Sun 17 April

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Custom day of week format

Use dayOfWeekFormatter to customize day names in the calendar header. This prop takes two parameters, day (a string with the name of the day) and date ( the day in the format of your date library) and returns the formatted string to display. The default formatter only keeps the first letter of the name and capitalises it.

The example below adds a dot at the end of each day in the calendar header:

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Custom calendar header format

To customize the format used on the calendar header, use the format prop of the calendarHeader slot.

Press Enter to start editing

Custom start of week

The Date and Time Pickers are using the week settings provided by your date libraries. Each adapter uses its locale to define the start of the week.

If the default start of the week defined in your adapter's locale is not the one you want, you can override it as shown in the following examples.

With dayjs

For dayjs, use the updateLocale plugin:

import updateLocale from 'dayjs/plugin/updateLocale';


// Replace "en" with the name of the locale you want to update.
dayjs.updateLocale('en', {
  // Sunday = 0, Monday = 1.
  weekStart: 1,

With date-fns

For date-fns, override the options.weekStartsOn of the used locale:

import { Locale } from 'date-fns';
// with date-fns v2.x
import enUS from 'date-fns/locale/en-US';
// with date-fns v3.x
import { enUS } from 'date-fns/locale/en-US';

const customEnLocale: Locale = {
  options: {
    // Sunday = 0, Monday = 1.
    weekStartsOn: 1,

<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDateFns} adapterLocale={customEnLocale}>

With luxon

For luxon, use the Settings.defaultWeekSettings object:

import { Settings, Info } from 'luxon';

Settings.defaultWeekSettings = {
  // Sunday = 7, Monday = 1.
  firstDay: 1,
  // Makes sure we don't lose the other information from `defaultWeekSettings`
  minimalDays: Info.getMinimumDaysInFirstWeek(),
  weekend: Info.getWeekendWeekdays(),

With moment

For moment, use the moment.updateLocale method:

import moment from 'moment';

// Replace "en" with the name of the locale you want to update.
moment.updateLocale('en', {
  week: {
    // Sunday = 0, Monday = 1.
    dow: 1,


See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.